What is AASK?
Christmas Gift Wrap
Brantford Jazz Festival
Women of the Eastern Star
Gift Wrapping Fundraiser
Arts After School Kids Inc were in full force at the Lynden Park Mall on December 21st for a Gift Wrapping Fundraiser.
Lynden Park Mall provided us with space to wrap, as well as paper and ribbons. Nearly 20 volunteers donated hours of their time to ensure that every gift looks professionally wrapped.
“It was great to see all of the volunteers out today” said Gayle Myke.
This is truly a community effort and we celebrate your generosity in helping us raise a total of $1000 this year. This money will be used to support our Arts After School Kids programs.
Thank you to all who participated in this successful endeavor. See you again next year.
Breakfast with Santa
AASK Christmas Concert Showcase at Station Coffee.
Breakfast with Santa
Arts After School Kids Wins Champion Award

The Arts After School Kids were proud recipients of the Organization Champion Award from The Brant | Brantford Roundtable on Poverty at the 1st Annual Celebrating Champions for Prosperity Awards Night. The goal of the ceremony was to recognize the outstanding contribution of community members, students, private sector and community…