After school program helps kids in need

“There’s one little guy here, we have to kind of keep an eye on him. I’ve seen him cry a couple of times when he was frustrated and upset,” Chloe Laro said.

“But you know Gayle talked to him for a bit and explained that he belong here, that he is part of the family, part of the AASK family.”

The AASK family?

That would be the kids and volunteers who gather in assorted rooms at Immanuel Baptist Church in Eagle Place for an hour after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the Arts After School Kids or AASK program.

“The goal with this program is to give kids an opportunity to learn how to play musical instruments,” Gayle Myke, the program’s director and founder, said. “Some of them have never had the opportunity to have music lessons and part of this also is to help build self-esteem, confidence and it gives them something to do after school.








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Source : The Brantford Expositor

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